

发布时间: 2024-05-05 10:44:32北京青年报社官方账号

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"Content startups are no longer limited to the elites. It is encouraging to see more people explore the market of traditional cultures," said Zhao Zizhong, dean of the New Media Institute with Communication University of China.


"Cities are more open to multi-operator environments, which would foster competitiveness because everyone will be trying to give better service and get more users," Panozzo said.


"Considering the fact that the global economy is still in a sluggish recovery mode and trade protectionism is on the rise across the world, it is imperative for Asian countries to develop its own new growth engine. Closer and stronger economic ties between ASEAN and CJK countries cannot be fully reached without better people-to-people exchange. During this process, media exchange is undoubtedly one of the significant factors influencing mutual understanding and trust because media is still playing as the main source of information of other countries. Communication is the most important and effective means to harmonize or reconcile existing gaps and building trust among different perspectives," said Lee Jong-hein, secretary general of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat.


"China's regional aviation market is still in its initial stage of development. Most plateau airports globally are located in western China, and China is a great market with rich opportunities for the growth of the regional aviation sector," said Li Guijin, a professor at the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China.


"China, in the new era, will provide an open platform for media around the world. We are confident of gaining more understanding and trust from the international community through cooperation under the initiative, and will contribute our experiences to the world," he said.


